I think back to what attracted to me to AACE in the first place.
It was the close-knit community of clinical endocrinologists. It was the collegiality of those I encountered and with whom I developed friendships. It was the clinical practice guidelines, the quality of our meetings and the commitment to endocrine fellows, the future of our specialty.
I remain just as proud to be an AACE member and to witness the continued growth of this organization. Health care is evolving and clinical endocrinologists are now the leaders of healthcare teams that work to provide top care for our patients and the endocrine disorders that they may have. These teams are diverse in their makeup and so too is AACE diverse in its community, inclusive not only of past, present and future endocrinologists but various practitioners who can benefit from our guidelines and educational offerings. These are practitioners who can learn from us as endocrinologists as we all work together to elevate the practice of clinical endocrinology to promote global health.
—Matthew J. Levine, MD, FACE