Questions to Ask Your Health Care Professional
When addressing your health concerns and personal treatment plan, it can be helpful to ask your doctor specific questions. Below are a variety of questions to help you get started.
Hypothyroidism Questions
- How long will it take for my hypothyroid symptoms to start improving after I begin taking levothyroxine?
- How do I know my thyroid medication is working?
- What side effects should I watch out for?
- When should I have a thyroid blood test to check to see if my levothyroxine dose is right for me?
- Once my optimal levothyroxine dose has been determined, how often should I have follow-up blood tests?
- Will any of the medications or supplements I take interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine?
- Will taking levothyroxine have an impact on any other of my medical conditions?
Hashimoto's Disease Questions
- Are there any particular side effects I should watch for after starting levothyroxine?
- Will any of the medications or supplements I take interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine?
- How long will it take for my Hashimoto’s symptoms to start improving after I begin taking levothyroxine?
- When should I have a thyroid blood test to check to see if my levothyroxine dose is right for me?
- Once my optimal levothyroxine dose has been determined, how often should I have follow-up blood tests?
- Will taking levothyroxine have an impact on any other of my medical conditions?
Goiter Questions
- What does your physical exam tell you about my thyroid and my goiter?
- Do you feel any nodules on my thyroid?
- What kind of thyroid condition do you suspect, if any?
- What other symptoms might a thyroid condition be causing for me?
- What kind of tests should I have to give you more information about my goiter and my thyroid health?
- What kind of treatment might I need?
- When should I come back for another appointment with you?
- Should I follow up with any other specialists?
Nodule Questions
- What information can you share with me about my thyroid nodule?
- How many thyroid nodules do I have?
- What can you tell me about the possible causes of my thyroid nodule?
- Do you suspect that I have thyroid disease, and if so, which condition might I have?
- How is this condition treated?
- What kind of tests do you recommend to learn more about my nodule and my thyroid health?
- How often should I get ultrasounds to follow my thyroid nodule?
- How and when will I be notified of my test results?
- What kind of treatment might I need?
- What follow-up appointments should I make with you or with other specialists or treatment centers?
- Is there anything else I should know about my thyroid health?
Hyperthyroidism Questions
- How will I know if my hyperthyroidism treatment is working as intended?
- What improvements can I expect in terms of symptoms?
- How soon can I expect to see improvements in my symptoms?
- What side effects should I watch for?
- What follow-up testing will I need to monitor my hyperthyroidism treatment?
- Are there any other follow-up tests I should have besides thyroid bloodwork?
- Is it likely that my hyperthyroidism treatment will lead to the development of hypothyroidism?
- If I develop hypothyroidism as a result of hyperthyroidism treatment, how soon might that happen?
- How will I know if I develop hypothyroidism?
- How often should I have thyroid blood tests?
- What symptoms should I watch for?
- Will my hyperthyroidism treatment impact any of my other health conditions or any of the medications I take?
Care & Continuity Questions
- Are there any restrictions on the types of exercise and activities I can do?
- Are there any foods that I should try to eat more of or less of to help maintain my thyroid health and my overall health?
- Are there any supplements I should take or avoid in support of my thyroid health?
- If I do need to take supplements, when should I take them?
- Are there any over-the-counter medications I should take or avoid in support of my thyroid health?
- [If applicable] I don’t fully understand my thyroid condition. Can you please explain it in a way I will understand?
- [If applicable] I don’t fully understand my recommended thyroid treatment. Can you please explain it in a way I will understand?
- How often will I require follow-up appointments for my thyroid condition?
- How often will I require blood tests and other treatment monitoring appointments for my thyroid care? What will those appointments involve? Who will schedule those appointments?
- Will my thyroid condition have an impact on any other medical conditions I have?
- Are there any other specialists I should see to discuss my thyroid condition and its impact on other conditions I have?
- Since developing my thyroid condition, I am having trouble maintaining a healthy weight. What resources are available in our community to help me manage my weight in a healthy way?
- Do you know of any support groups in our community that might benefit me?
- [If applicable] I believe I could benefit from mental health care. Can you refer me to a therapist/social worker/psychologist/psychiatrist?
- [If applicable] I would like to quit smoking but am having trouble doing it on my own. What resources are available in our community to help me quit?
- [If applicable] I am struggling with substance abuse. What resources are available in our community to help me?
- Are you aware of any resources in our community for cultivating mind/body skills, such as gratitude and mindfulness, that could benefit my outlook and my health?